A Multi-Disciplinary Artist Living a Multi-Disciplinary Life


Visual Artist

Heather Laubenstein sees and experiments in shapes, textures, and colors. She creates in a variety of styles on a variety of mediums. Whether acrylics or ink, abstract or landscapes, commissions or intimate imaginings, her art evokes feeling and familiarity with an ease that always connects to humanity.

Theatre Maker

Heather believes strongly in relationship and the impact of storytelling. With a diverse resume of productions, her training as an actor and artist combine with her expertise as a parent and educator to create a nurturing but structured environment. As a director she looks to create and encourage trust, connection, honestly and creativity.


Heather has spent years as a theatre and arts educator working specifically with children. She teaches for various schools and organizations and has worked extensively directing, developing, and executing various drama curriculum.


Photo credits: Brad Hunter, Jeany Van Meltebeke Snider